MATH 500, Fall 2018

Course Overview

MATH 500 is a training course for first time teaching assistants for Mathematics classes. Here you will find the course syllabus as well as any assignments that are due throughout the quarter. You may find the syllabus for the course here.

You may also find links to presentation slides of past meetings by clicking on the corresponding Theme cell for that meeting.

Fall 2018:    Thursdays, 1pm-1:50pm
                     APM B402A
Instructor: Jeff Rabin
                     APM 6220
Senior TA:  Eric Lybrand
                     APM 6444
Junior TA:  Jacqueline Warren
                     APM 6444

Weekly Schedule

Date Theme Background Homework
September 27 Nuts and Bolts: Being a TA -List of Responsibilities
-Before the Quarter Starts
-Your First Section
-How to Use Gradescope
-How to Use TritonEd
-Writing a Teaching Statement
-Example Teaching Statement
Read your list of responsibilities (see first link). Write a teaching statement. Due October 4th.
October 4 Pedagogy and Classroom Atmosphere    
October 11 Nuts and Bolts: Midterms -Proctoring
-Grading Exams
-Returning Exams
October 18 Teaching Methods -Guest Lecture (Todd Kemp) Read this article . Submit 1 or 2 paragraphs on Gradescope reflecting on the piece. Due next week. No late submissions.
October 25 Teaching Methods, Overflow -Student Panel Begin observing one colleague in MATH 500 and one experienced TA. Submit an observation form on Gradescope for each by November 15th.
November 1 Academic Integrity -Guest Lecture (OAI)
-What to do When You Suspect Cheating
-How to Report a Violation
-What Happens After Cheating Is Reported
-UCSD Academic Integrity Stats
November 8 -Instructional and Language Resources
-Prevention and Harassment
-Guest Lectures (ELI, OPHD)
-Students of Concern
-Helping Sexual Harassment Victims
November 15 On Campus Resources for TAs -Guest Lecture (OSD, CAPS)
-Types of Student Accommodations
Rewrite teaching statement.
November 22 NO CLASS Happy Thanksgiving!  
November 29 Observations, Roleplay    
December 6 Final Exams -Leaving at the End of Quarter
-Holding Onto Exams