M. Mousavi, E. Lybrand, S. Feng, S. Tang, R. Saab, and V. de Sa. “Spectrally Adaptive Common Spatial Patterns”. Preprint. arXiv
E. Lybrand and R. Saab. “A Greedy Algorithm for Quantizing Neural Networks.” JMLR 2021. arXiv Journal GitHub
E. Lybrand, A. Ma, and R. Saab. “On the Number of Faces and Radii of Cells Induced by Gaussian Spherical Tessellations.” ACHA, 2021. arXiv Journal
M. Iwen, E. Lybrand, A. Nelson, R. Saab. “New Algorithms and Improved Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds.” SampTA2019. arXiv Proceedings
E. Lybrand and R. Saab. “Quantization for Low-Rank Matrix Recovery.” Information and Inference, 2018. arXiv Journal
Selected Talks & Conference Presentations
Ph.D. Defense: Quantization of Neural Networks, February 2021. Slides
One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds, TRIPODS Summer Conference. May 2019. Slides
Quantization and Low Rank Matrix Recovery, BIRS (Banff) Workshop on Information Theory and Signal Processing. October 2018. Slides
- Graduate Student Seminar, UCSD. “Deterministic Models for Topoisomerase II.” February 2017. Slides